Sunday, September 27, 2009

stuff and things

Playing around with a slightly different approach using ink and watercolor. This one is about 8" x 8". I've been drawing so much cute stuff lately I thought this little group of senseless grotesqueries would be good for cleansing the palette.

Also, the scrap paper kitchen wall colony continues to grow...

Friday, September 25, 2009

Another musical forest

Decided to give one of the characters from the last drawing her own little picture to star in. How do we feel about the colors, folks? I can't make up my mind whether they are working quite right or not.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Monster jam and houses

I want to join this band...

These guys were kicking up a ruckus in my little sketchbook and wouldn't let me sleep until I colored them.

Just playing around with it and I thought this looked kinda neat.

Recent painting in acrylic and ink on masonite. Around 16" x 11". Based on this sketchbook page.

Friday, September 11, 2009


So here's the image from the previous post after trying my hand at adding some texture. I wonder if it looks better? Or worse? What say you, good people of Blogland?

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Trying something different...

I've been playing around with coloring in photoshop. I don't really know what I'm doing and I've been staring at this image too long to tell what to do next, so any input would be appreciated.
As for the text, I have a habit of making up stupid songs to sing to myself and here is one of them! I imagine this chipper little number 20's style with wah-wah trumpets and ukulele.