Saturday, January 09, 2010


I did an interview for the website MemphisConnect, check it out! There is even a video of me babbling about something or other in my apartment.


Shobo said...

Thats really cool Michelle, I find it hard to imagine you ever thought you might not be good enough to tell stories with pictures "for real".

Nice little video too, the apartment (especially the kitchen) looks really cute, and it was cool to get an idea of how you go about making those plaques, I'd been quietly wondering about that for a while.

Also, the Shell was revitalised? That's awesome! When I was leaving there was a lot of talk about tearing it down.

michelle said...

Thanks Shobo!
Well, I still feel like I'm not good enough most of the time, but that may not be such a bad thing since it prompts me to keep trying new stuff and improving.

You are welcome to see my cute apartment in real life whenever you get yer butt back over to the States. You are also welcome to loudly wonder about my process and ask me questions if you want.

The Shell is still standing, and this past fall they held a series of free outdoor concerts there, which is the sort of thing I always wish Memphis had more of. So glad it didn't become a parking lot! Overton Square is currently on the chopping block though :(

Shobo said...

If all goes well tomorrow (going to see about getting a visa) then I should be back by next weekend... I hope. I'll definitely have a few questions, as I think I might be working with wood as well in the near future.

What's this about Overton Square though, they aren't really planning on turning it into a parking lot are they?

michelle said...

Good luck! I hope it isn't more of a hassle than it needs to be due to recent events.

They want to tear down that strip with Memphis Pizza Cafe and where the Fridays used to be to put up some kind of crappy discount grocery store. I'm going to a meeting next weekend to get the details. A lot of people are quite peeved.